Explore The Facts And Myths Behind How Sugar Effects Your Skin

Did you know that the daily glass of soda you drink at dinner time can negatively impact your skin? That’s right, your oh-so-delicious sugary drinks and snacks that satisfy your sweet tooth can be detrimental to the health and well-being of your skin.

When we think about how sugar consumption impacts the body, many instantly think about weight gain or diabetes. Although these are major health concerns to keep in mind, your skin’s health and appearance are also influenced by sugar consumption.

Struggling with breakouts no matter what product or treatment you use on your face?

Diet plays a major role in your skin’s health, and is often overlooked by many when trying to treat stubborn skin issues like acne, wrinkles, or sagging skin. That’s why in this article, we’ll explore how your sugar intake impacts your skin, the common skin problems that result from excess sugar consumption, and ways you and our team at BB Aesthetic can help improve your skin starting today. 

Effects Of Sugar On The Body

Sugar is found in almost everything we eat. From that glass of orange juice you had this morning to the candy bar you ate for lunch. For how much sugar our society eats, the reality that sugar greatly impacts the skin is often overlooked. Yes, we know sugar is bad for our bodies, but we still do little to change our sugary diet habits. As a result, many struggle with health complications and skin issues because of a lack of diet change.

It’s important to note there are two different types of sugars: processed sugars and natural sugars. Processed sugars consist of the sugar you find in candy bars, sodas, and other delicious goods that have tons of added sugars. Meanwhile, natural sugars are found in foods like fruits where there are no added sugars.

If you want to be healthier and have flawless skin, you may think quitting sugars entirely from your diet is the only way to achieve perfect skin. However, this isn’t true. Yes, excess sugar is bad for your skin, but you don’t need to quit sugar entirely to achieve a radiantly clear complexion. Even if you did try, sugar is so addicting that you may experience withdrawal-like symptoms from headaches to mood swings by cutting sugar completely from your diet!

Every little diet change from choosing to drink water instead of soda is important when trying to reduce your sugar intake. We at BB Aesthetic are here to help you every step of the way to achieve beautiful, radiant-looking skin. Schedule an appointment today to further rejuvenate and boost your skin’s gorgeous glow.

Common Sugar and Skin Problems

Before we discuss how to improve your skin’s complexion, you must first understand why sugar negatively impacts the skin and what exact skin problems are linked to excess sugar consumption.

Excessive amounts of sugar in the skin cause Glycation, which is a chemical reaction that occurs when your blood sugar levels spike, resulting in more insulin than your body can handle. This spike in insulin negatively impacts your skin’s collagen and elastin- the two proteins that promote the appearance of youthful, glowing skin.

When your body consumes excess amounts of sugar, this sugar links to these proteins and ultimately damages them. Although on the molecular level this may not sound bad, on the physical level, this damage will be noticeable via wrinkles, sagging skin, acne/breakouts, aging skin, and many more negative skin consequences.

With that said, reducing or even quitting your sugar intake can pose the opposite effects. Less sugar will mean less damage to your body’s collagen and elastin which will improve and strengthen your skin’s overall health and appearance.

BB Aesthetic offers a wide selection of treatments that can further help with these skin problems. Consider scheduling a Sculptra appointment or botox appointment today to reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

Still struggling with acne even after reducing your sugar intake? We offer BBL Forever Clear which is a laser-based acne procedure that reduces breakouts so you can enjoy clear, glowy skin.

Ways To Reduce Your Sugar Intake And Improve Your Skin

Just because sugar can negatively impact your skin doesn’t mean you have to quit sugar entirely to achieve flawless, clear skin. If you can’t fully quit sugar, we don’t blame you. It’s nice to indulge in a baked good here or there- moderation is key!  In fact, the World Health Organization recommends limiting your sugar intake to about 25 grams of sugar per day.

Ways you can reduce your sugar consumption include:

  1. Be aware of how much sugar you are consuming daily. Make sure you are reading food labels so you know exactly how much sugar you are consuming.
  2. Know what foods and drinks have higher concentrations of sugar, such as fruit juices and alcohol, and try to steer clear of consuming those foods and drinks.
  3. Opt to drink water whenever you can over soda or energy drinks.

By making these small changes, you will be more aware of how much sugar you are consuming and how to reduce your sugar intake gradually.

Over time, your complexion will look clearer and more glowy thanks to eating less sugar. If you still notice your skin has stubborn wrinkles or breakouts, don’t worry, BB Aesthetic has you covered!

From chemical peels to reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles to laser treatments like BBL Forever Young to reduce the appearance of aging skin, we offer a wide range of products and services for you to have effortlessly dewy, youthful skin.

So, what are you waiting for? Schedule your appointment today at BB Aesthetic so we can help you enhance your beautiful skin to achieve a clear, youthful complexion.


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